Spirit: The true essence of the real you that can, and does, express itself in many body’s on many places of being and existing. It is also an etheric realm of unconditional love that seeks to communicate with the physical existence of mankind.
The communication brings proof of survival, or philosophy and guidance offering hope and love from those who have departed to Spirit leaving others to a physical existence.
Spirit has no expectations. It asks that man try to better himself through experiences learnt in a physical lifetime – for the benefit of others.

Soul: The Spirit experiencing itself while in the body, or outside the body.

Paranormal: A term used to define unexplained occurrences that lie outside the realms of earth’s natural laws. These can be through normal experience or scientific explanation.

Phenomena: Earth an extraordinary event. [In scientific usage]. A phenomenon is any event that is observable, however commonplace it might be, even if it requires the use of instrumentation to observe it. For example, in physics, a phenomenon may be a feature of matter, energy, or space and time,

Phenomena Spirit: As demonstrated by physical mediumship phenomena may occur many times or just once. It is beyond Earth’s natural laws, however, as with Earth conditions phenomena is experienced with our human five physical senses objectively and our sixth sense – the sense of reason without instant dismissal of the logical mind.

Ectoplasm: A name given by French professor Charles Richet (1830 -1935) to explain a pliable and visible substance [often described as looking like cheesecloth], which is extracted by Spirit from the medium, without harm or distress – as long as the circle sits in the right conditions – and allows Spirit communicators, as real as you and I, to fully or partly materialize in both light and dark conditions. The communicators can be as solid and be able to touch and talk with sitters. Ectoplasm only comes to life when activated and given intelligence by Spirit.
Ectoplasm is very sensitive to light. A sudden introduction of light causes the ectoplasm to rush back into the medium’s body as ectoplasm is always attached to the medium; it will retract back into the medium’s body at such a rate that it can causes severe burns to the medium’s body and physical harm to the medium organs.

Spirit Energy (General): This is what makes things work in the séance room. The engine room if you like. Spirit energy, powered by spirit not by earth’s natural laws, is what makes phenomena take place. It is the power of the medium through development and the intention from sitters, the blending of love and harmony within a circle environment in a sacred place – the séance room – while always wishing the best for mankind and the selfless train of thought from each of those gathered that the right communication physical phenomena part or full spirit materialization will come to the person or persons most in need at that time.

Spirit Energy (non-ectoplasm): the most ancient of all. Spirit energy has always been with mankind and before mankind evolved. This spirit energy, when used for physical mediumship, appears to be much faster than ectoplasm, allowing spirit and phenomena to happen more quickly with just one phenomena at a time or many manifestations of phenomena happening all at the same time.
This is in contrast to phenomena created with ectoplasm that can be sometimes fast but will always manifest at a set pattern of movement due to the restrictiveness of always being attached to the medium.
Spirit energy works, as a collective with everyone giving of their energy at the same time, however one or more of the group will be the main catalyst for the energy. On many occasions their absence means that there would not be enough energy in the group for manifestation to take place.
Spirit energy is very fast and Earth energy is very slow but given the right conditions Spirit can speed up the Earth energy and lower Spirit’s fast vibration, allowing the two to meet allowing phenomena to occur.
It would seem that on these occasions the whole séance room (which is the cabinet for Spirit) if filled with spirit vapour offering the right energy for one or many objects to move within the room at speed and with intelligence, while at the same time allowing Spirit to partly or fully materializes.

The Medium: Individuals who has the Spirit-given ability to open themselves up mentally and physically as a ‘channel’ to allow Spirit to communicate through them – be this in the form of mental mediumship [clairvoyance] or physical mediumship.
A medium needs self-discipline and the ability to ‘shut themselves off’ from the outside world to allow Spirit to draw close and work through and around them. The spiritual growth of the medium is equally important as the development of his/her mediumship.

Cabinet: A three-sided cabinet-like structure with a blackout curtain placed in the fourth position to complete the square shape. It is inside the cabinet that the medium is seated with the curtain drawn, unless instructed otherwise by Spirit. This allows energy/ectoplasm to build inside the cabinet that can then be used within the séance room for a physical demonstration such as Spirit phenomena and Spirit materialization to take place. Some physical mediums work without a cabinet. In these séance conditions the room is the cabinet.

Transfiguration: Conducted under red light conditions, which allows Spirit communicators to manifest their faces over the medium’s face using an ectoplasmic mask and take on the personality, both in looks and in personality, of the Spirit communicator wishing to speak. Direct voice (direct from Spirit through the creation of a Spirit ‘voice box’ in the séance room) or indirect voice (using the medium’s vocal chords) sometimes occurs during a demonstration of transfiguration.

Physical Circle: A gathering of people [sitters] who are seated together – often in a circle formation – in the mind frame of harmony and love – an essential ingredient to generate the conditions for Spirit communication and phenomena to take place. Sitters are requested not to sit with expectation or in a negative train of thought. Some circles work as a collective while others with work with one physical medium with the others as sitters giving their energy to the medium.
For more detailed information on how to sit for physical see ZP’s ‘How to sit for Physical’ Issue 24.

Séance: A group of people (the circle) coming together for the possible creation of spiritualistic phenomena. The gathering can be of two or more people or a larger group of people. Séances can be held in light or dark conditions in a sacred room for the purpose of spiritualistic phenomena. Séance are often held in dark conditions, as this is easier for Spirit to manifest; light breaks down Spirit energy.

Séance Conditions: A clean and sterile room – not a transient environment such as lounge – which should be free from disturbances such as external noise or light penetration during any séance meeting.
For physical mediumship demonstrations the room’s windows and doors will be blacked out using black gaffer tape [see ZP’s ‘How to sit for Physical’ fact sheet Issue 24].

Luminous tabs: Luminous stickers, which need to be charged under a light source before the start of a séance, and are placed on items such as trumpets, chairs, tables etc… This allows sitters to see the objects – often at high speed – move around the room in darkened conditions.

Telekinesis: The movement, often at great speed, of inanimate objects, such as a table, without any noticeable cause – defying the realms of science and physics

Levitation: The ability of a human to rise from the floor unaided or supported by any means other than themselves and Spirit energy.

Trance: Conducted in red light conditions which is conducive for ‘light trance’ [inspirational speaking], or ‘deep trance’ – an altered state of being so that spirit can draw close and speak to the sitters, bypassing the medium’s physical faculties.

E.V.P. [Electronic Voice Phenomena]: Also known as ‘Raudive Voices’ after the Latvian scientist Konstantin Raudive, who investigated this type of manifestation. E.V.P is the appearance of extra voices that had not been noticed at the time of recording but which have manifested onto an audio/video tape recording.

Instrumental Trans communication: Spirit ability through technology such as a fax machine, a computer screen television to show themselves in a visual manner.

Spirit Art: A Spirit Artist (The medium) inspired by Spirit to draw or paint a Spirit communicator who often shows a likeness to that person now in Spirit and is recognised by the recipient. Often clairvoyance is also given alongside the picture to confirm the Spirit person’s personality or an earthly existence.

Spirit Precipitated Art: Spirit draws or paint a Spirit person or persons without any artist material other than a blank canvas. An example of this is the Bang Sisters from the USA [see ZP’s archives Issue no: 10].
A medium or mediums have to be present in the room of demonstration so that the phenomenon is taking place although there should be no contact by any individual on the canvas.
As with the Campbell Brothers from the USA [see ZP Issu no.16] They would have available for Spirit a canvas and artist material. However, they would not touch ether the canvas or the artist material but would be present for the demonstration.

Noah Zerdin: Noah Zerdin was a promoter and advocate of physical mediumship.
In his lifetime he organised The Link Association of home circles, aware of the importance of developing this form of mediumship through small groups of people gathered in séance room conditions under the title of a ‘home circle’.
This process achieved very high standards of mediumship before the circle presented their rare gift in the public arena. Zerdin Phenomenal would require circles and the mediums to develop their gift in the home circle before presenting their gift to the public.

Matter passing through Matter: The suspension on natural laws, unexplainable but it happens and is very well documented [see ZP’s archives:].

Luminosity: The introduction of ‘Spirit Light’ into the darkened séance room, allowing sitters to see Spirit communicators and associated phenomena.

Materialization: The full or part materialization of a Spirit person, making themselves known to sitters. This form of mediumship requires the use of Spirit energy or ectoplasm and for the medium to be in a deep trance state inside the cabinet. Spirit energy materialization can take place without a deep state of trance or a cabinet. However there has to be a medium or mediums present who are the catalyst for this energy or any related phenomena or materialization to occur.

Spirit Communication: Linking both the physical and the etheric (Spirit) worlds together through communication – be it mental mediumship; physical mediumship; part or full materialization; direct or indirect voice; table tilting; psychic art; spirit photography or automatic writing.

Automatic Writing: With the medium in an altered state, Spirit use the faculties of the medium’s arms and hands to write both words and sometimes music, as with Rosemary Brown from the United Kingdom [see ZP’s archives Issue no:].

Direct Spirit Writing: Without the medium’s faculties, but with the medium present, words from Spirit would appear on paper, or on slates known as ‘slate writing’. A phenomena created by American physical medium Dr. Henry Slade [see ZP’s archives].

Direct Voice: This form of communication involves the creation of a ‘Spirit voice box’ in the séance room to allow Spirit communicators to speak. Some describe it as a complete etheric replica of the human larynx (voice box). More than one Spirit voice box can be present in a séance room, depending on the conditions and blend of energies.

Independent Direct Voice: Spirit communication through objects such as a trumpet. This acts as a megaphone to project the voice within the hearing range of all the sitters.

Apports: The arrival of objects, not already in the séance room, being introduced by Spirit during the sitting. This could take the form of flowers, coins, historic relics and jewellery

Asports: The opposite from an apport, involving the removal of an object from a séance room.

Table Phenomena: Initially this is easier to obtain once developed to a high Spiritual standard. However, all other physical phenomena and manifestation including materialization can prevail at the same time.
Often table phenomena are the catalyst to all other Spirit phenomena that may take place in the séance room.
Using a small simple wooden table sitters are asked to place fingertips on the table’s surface, while waiting for raps and tilts in answer to questions using the alphabetical system.
Spirit puts its thinking energy into the table; this is often a very pure form of messages and communication from Spirit.
Sometimes, before the table moves of its own volition, raps, taps and strong vibrations can be felt emanating from it, as though the ‘wood is alive’.
There should be a spokesman to address the table, perhaps the Circle Leader, able to understand the method of communication and interpret the messages given by Spirit through the table and the alphabet system to the recipient or recipients.

Metaphysics: A term proposed by Professor Charles Richet in 1905 dealing with the forces latent in the mind of man that defy natural laws and science. ZP would state that although this energy is latent in man, only Spirit and the Spirit world can give this energy movement and intelligence.

Cosmology: Comes from the Greek word ‘Kosmos’ or universe. It refers to the study of the universe in its present totality and humanity’s place in it.

Astronomy: A natural science that deals with the study of celestial objects, such as stars, planets, comets, nebulae, star clusters and galaxies, and phenomena that originate outside the Earth’s atmosphere (cosmic background radiation).
It is concerned with the evolution, physics, chemistry, and motion of celestial objects, as well as the formation and development of the universe.

Astrophysics: Derived from the Greek word ‘Astro’ (meaning star).The discipline deals with the physics of the universe, including the physical properties (luminosity, density, temperature, and chemical composition) of celestial objects such as galaxies, stars, planets and exoplanets [a planet outside the Solar System].

Out of body experiences (OOBE ). Near death experiences ( NDE ). Astral body, Etheric body, Sprit body, Psychic body , Phyisical body, Auras, Orbs, Spirit lights , Ghost , Rappings, Appraritions, Hauntings, Poltergiest, Phychic energy, Spirit world , Astral plains, The Etheric world, Consciousness Collective unconscious, Witchcraft , Spiritual Wizards and Magic.

All of these aspects within the Appendix are expressions of Spirit, Spirit places and Spirit activity both positive and negative expressing itself on the earthplane and other planes of existing often at the same time.